Frequently Asked Questions

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Frequently Asked Questions

<%EXTOGGLE%>The EFT file I uploaded was rejected because the transaction amounts do not match the information in the file total. What did I do wrong?
<%EXTOGGLE%>The EFT file I uploaded was rejected because the Destination/Receiving Centre was invalid. How do I correct this?
<%EXTOGGLE%>The EFT file I uploaded was rejected because the "File Creation Number" was incorrect. Where do I enter the correct value?
<%EXTOGGLE%>How do I locate the EFT transmit file created by The Scheduler?
<%EXTOGGLE%>How do I reprint a previously transmitted EFT file?
<%EXTOGGLE%>How do I read the bank account information on my client's cheque?
<%EXTOGGLE%>I've forgotten the password to open a folder. How can I retrieve it?
<%EXTOGGLE%>I've forgotten my User ID and Password to log onto The Scheduler. How do I retrieve them?
<%EXTOGGLE%>eMailing Notifications doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
<%EXTOGGLE%>My hard drive crashed or I've got a new computer. How do I get The Scheduler re-installed and restore all my client information?