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Navigation:  Category Buttons > Tools > Access Control >


Note: Only Administrator type users have access to this module.

Click the Tools > Access Control > Users category button sequence.



User List Grid:

Users currently set up in The Scheduler.

User Profile:

A unique User ID is required for each user. The Scheduler must always have at least one user with Administrator access level. See the Access Control matrix for more information.

New User / Delete User:

Add a new user or delete the highlighted record.

Navigator Bar:

Scroll the grid items; First, Prior, Next, Last, Edit, Post, Cancel.


Location of EFT Files, Help, Reports, Backups and Notifications

It is important to note that each user profile points to the "local" Documents folder as the base for storing all the above files. User profiles should be created for each network user work station, as the MyDocuments folder will be different for the user's Windows credentials. Problems will occur if the "default" administrator ID/password combination is shared for Logging On onto The Scheduler, as Documents folder(s) will not be accessible.

When a "new user" logs on for the first time a profile is created using the default locations of the "My Documents" folder. These can all be changed to a "common" location for each user ID in the setup.


User Profile


Other Locations


Backup Location