Creating your user profile

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Creating your user profile

Click Tools > Scheduler Profile > User Preferences category button sequence to display this information.

User Prefernces


EFT Transmit File Location:

This is the folder where the EFT Transmit File created by The Scheduler to upload to your bank is stored. Change the location by clicking the ellipsis button to open a Windows Folder Dialog.

Scheduler Style:

Choose a colour scheme that you like. See the Styles section for more information.


If you have a favourite photo, you can change the wallpaper on the "Home" screen. See the User Images section for more details.

Date Format:

Select how you want dates displayed on The Scheduler forms and reports.

Menu Position:

Which side do you want the Category Buttons displayed?

Global Account Privacy:

The default in The Scheduler is to obfuscate banking information on reports. This can be changed only by users with "Administrator" rights. See the Access Control section for more information.

Display Hints:

Hovering the mouse over input fields will give more information. Turn off or alter the length of the display message.

Play Sounds:

Turn off The Scheduler confirmation beeps and warbles.

Form Scaling:

Turn this feature on if you want The Scheduler to use Windows form and font size adjustments.


Note: For security and control purposes, RB Anderson Ltd. recommends creating user profiles for each person using The Scheduler. See the Users section to manage access the The Scheduler.

Save your changes

Click the Save Setup button!