Welcome to The Scheduler

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Welcome to The Scheduler

About The Scheduler

Thank you for selecting The Scheduler for your EFT processing requirements.

Version 12 is the latest major update of The Scheduler since the original DOS version was released in 1991. The program continues to follow the Microsoft Windows road map and has implemented styles and guidelines outlined for Windows 10 applications. Many of the features implemented are results of feedback from our users.  Our goal has been to make The Scheduler as easy to use as possible. After all, you are dealing with real money which is stressful enough.

We sincerely hope you enjoy The Scheduler Experience.

About this documentation

This help is designed both as a course in using The Scheduler and as an ongoing reference while you are working with the program. You can skim it for easy reference, work through it systematically for in-depth knowledge and refer to it for additional information whenever you need it.

This documentation is also on our web site as HTML pages. Bookmark this link in your favourite browser for future reference.

An Adobe PDF version of this manual is included in the installer and has been saved to the Help location defined on the Application Libraries form. It can also be downloaded from our Amazon Web Services (AWS) site by clicking this link. All or selected sections can be printed for easier reference.

Getting Started - new users

Study the Introduction and Quick Start Tutorial to familiarize yourself with the basics of the app.

Check out all the links in the Category Buttons plenty of help is available!

We've assembled a Frequently Asked Questions list of the most common queries we've had. If you're still stuck, Contact Us and we'll gladly give you some assistance.