Update History

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Update History

We will regularly release free maintenance updates for Version 12. These updates will resolve annoying problems our users have found or fix some bone-headed mistakes we've made.

Version 12.1.1 (updates since the last V11 version)

Implement Web Mail Setup for using GMail or Office 365 for sending EFT Notifications.

Add two new Styles and clean up icon colours displayed on all forms.

Polish form display and fix failed form closures discovered testing updated modules.

Include My Help notes in Backups.

Download Adobe PDF version of the Help as well as updated Help eBook in the Version Updates  procedure.

Version 12.1.2

Don't prompt to replace registration key from V11 Backups.

Adjust column widths on Transmission Detail Report and Reprint Transmission Detail Report to display $99,999,999.99 properly..

Correct Due Date display on Transmission Detail Report and Reprint Transmission Detail Report on folder change page breaks.

Set client read only state on Client Information tab on first time access.

Version 12.1.3

Don't change Windows 10 date settings on a Microsoft update. Always use the current settings in The Scheduler.

ACH 94 IAT EFT file format implemented in the Scotia version.

Version 12.1.4

With COVID-19 causing many users to move to a "home" office, restoring The Scheduler  backup caused Library Locations to often be invalid with the changed Windows user profile. The Scheduler now checks the validity of folders when launched and if anything is amiss, the User Library Locations form is displayed for the user to update the values.

We updated a math rounding routine used to calculate PST/HST and GST when a user discovered a penny error on a large debit amount.  Sheesh!  

Updated addenda field in RBC version ACH IAT EFT file to the two character ISO Country Code.

Completed the help instructions for the Office 365 eMail setup.

Version 12.1.5

Allow the user to select Outlook eMail setup for sending EFT Notifications instead of having The Scheduler attempt to determine if Outlook is installed.

Version 12.2.1

Updated EFT work file eMail address field to accommodate 40 character length values.

Modified EFT file structures to handle variable number of transaction detail items printed on EFT Notifications for several "Custom Import" routines.  

Version 12.2.2

Updated CIBC 80 byte EFT file format to newer specifications.

Correct Due Date display on Transmission Detail Report and Reprint Transmission Detail Report on folder change page breaks (again!).

Version 12.2.5 --- yes we skipped a few.

Updated ACH processing requirements for US bank to US bank EFT transactions.

The Scheduler, the updater module, this help system and all versions of the installers a digitally signed meeting Microsoft's requirements for authenticating the provider of applications for Windows 10 and future Windows versions.

Version 12.2.6

Updated financial library routine the calculates GST and PST/HST amounts.

Adjust Mail Setup form group boxes alignment removing slight overlap when clicking on the "Test Connect" button.

Cleaned up Mail Setup sections missing Office 365 setup and duplicate GMail setup instructions in the Quick Start Tutorial.... Sheesh!

Version 12.2.7

Ensure "Receiving Centre" entry is 5 digits on EFT File Information form.

Version 12.2.8

Correct eMail length to 50 characters on Importing EFT transactions.

Version 12.2.9

Update Mail Setup from TLS 1.0 to TLS 1.2 authentication.

Version 12.3.1

Change Mail Setup to allow user to select Transport Layer Security (TLS) to 1.0, 1.1 or 1.2 authentication.

Only show Display / Send radio buttons on EFT Notifications if the local version of Outlook is being used.