Launching The Scheduler

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Launching The Scheduler

The Scheduler "data" is separate from all the "stuff" required to run it... so a desktop shortcut is required. One is created in the installation routine.

Desktop Icon

Right clicking on the shortcut and selecting the Properties menu option displays something like the image below.

Shortcut Properties



C:\Program Files (x86)\RBA\MyBank\Scheduler12.exe

Start in:



To create a new desktop shortcut, you'll have to know where the executable program (the Target) and where The Scheduler data (the Start in) locations are.

Hint: The Target is usually down the C:\Program Files (x86)\RBA\... path and the Start in location can be found by searching your data disk for a file Scheduler.DAT. The default location selected by the installer is C:\RBA\{MyBank} with "MyBank" referring to the bank specific version of The Scheduler you have installed..