Organization Information

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Navigation:  Category Buttons > Tools > Scheduler Profile > Organization setup >

Organization Information

Click the Tools > Organization Setup category buttons and the Organization Information tab to view and enter your information.

Organization Info


Organization Address:

This information is required if you are using our PAC/PAD Authorization Form and for cross border ACH 94 IAT EFT format files.

Contact Info:

Add your contact information if you're not the "registered" user displayed on the Logging On splash screen, and any emails you send using our Contact Us panel we will use this reply to address.

Tax ID:

Required if your are printing Client Donation Tax Receipts in The Scheduler

Tax Display:

If you do not want to allow tax rate entry on the Folder Information for calculations or display the PST/HST and GST columns on several reports, change the toggle state.


Click in the frame to use your organization logo on several reports in The Scheduler.. The image may be a JPG or BMP file amd is reduced to a 75x175 pixel layout.