Your organization profile

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Your organization profile

Click the Tools > Scheduler Profile > Organization Setup category button setup sequence to display the panel.

Organization Information

Organization Info

1.Your organization name is from the registration key file information. This short name identifies your organization and is printed on some reports.

2.Complete the address and contact information for your organization. This information is required for ACH IAT cross border transactions; your PAC/PAD Authorization Form and any eMails you send from the Contact Us panel in The Scheduler.

3.We've provided the option to hide all the tax entry on the Folder Information panel and the PST/HST and GST columns on several reports.

4.Your Canada Revenue Agency Tax ID will be required if you are printing official Client Donation Tax Receipts for donor payments to your organization

5.If you have a JPEG or BMP organization logo, click on the empty image box to load the logo. Your logo will appear on EFT Notifications, PAC/PAD Authorization forms,, Client Donation Tax Receipts and the System Status Report.

EFT File Information

Click the EFT File Information tab...

Organization Info - 2   Canadian version


 US version

US EFT Info - 2

US version with default EFT Transmit File Name.

EFT Inforrmation -2

Scheduler assigned EFT Transmit File Name,

1.Enter the "Receiving Centre" information noted in the Gather your information step for the Canadian version or the "Immediate Destination" for the US version.

2.The "Bank Name" is required for the US version and the "Location" is optional for the Canadian setup.

3.Change the EFT File creation naming setup if desired. This will always be and ASCII text file (.TXT extension) and can be opened and viewed in a text editor like NotePad. This is the EFT file created by The Scheduler that you upload to your banking platform. The file location is set on the User Preferences panel.

User Defined

The Scheduler will always use this name and overwrite the file each cycle.

Scheduler Assigned

The Scheduler will assign a file name in the format YY-MM-DD HHMM NNNN. Date/Time/EFT File Number.



4.Enter your "Daily Limit" dollar amount (no decimals) provided by your bank. Leaving the amount as $0 implies no limit.

5.Click the radio button in the "File Format" group for the EFT file recommended by your bank.

6.Select the "Prepare Method" of how you plan to use The Scheduler to create your EFT files.

From Scheduler

The Scheduler will you the client information you have entered into the app.

Scheduler Import

The Scheduler will read import file(s) as per our Import Specifications and setup instructions.

ACH Import

Some applications only produce the ACH (American Clearing House) format EFT files. Select this option if The Scheduler is to read these files.

Custom Import

If RB Anderson Ltd. has provided a custom module to read files created from another application for your organization, this option will be enabled.


7.Select the default date range you wish The Scheduler to display when initiating the EFT file preparation process.

8.Enter the URL (Universal Resource Locator) for your bank to upload the EFT file created by The Scheduler. The Scheduler will automatically launch your browser to the location entered upon completion of the EFT file creation process.

9.The "Import File Information" is only required if you will be using the The Scheduler to create the EFT file from an external data file. See The Scheduler  the Import Specifications and Importing Transactions sections for more information.

Save Your Entry!

Click the "Save Setup" button under the Category Button list to lock in your setup.